Monday, 7 November 2016


We had to answer some questions like: The total perimeter of the shape or like word problems.
At the end we had to put some pictures of some things that we could measure.
My Reflection:
My next step is to learn more about perimeters.
I am most proud of my last slide that I did it is also my favorite slide.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Measurement Scavenger Hunt

We were given a slideshow with different measurements and we had to go and find some things that were the same measurement.
My Reflection:
It was easy to find the things for our measurements.
The most challenging thing was when we had to choose the last measurement which was 150cm.


We had to choose a story and do the tasks for the story that we were given you can see the tasks in the following slide above.  My favorite parts were the create and illustrate bits.
My Reflection:
It was easy to do the story about my imaginary pet because I've always wanted a pet like that I hope one day I actually do get a pet like that but till then I am happy without a pet.
I am most proud of my drawings that I have done with my friend.

Tired Words

We were learning about tired words we had to create a slideshow which had a word we used in one of our stories for example: She was really cute.  we had to change the word cute into a more interesting word which is almost the same as cute like adorable or sweet. Finally we had to choose some of the words on our lists and turn it into a tagul.
My Reflection:
It was easy to do the list of different words because I used the app called
I am most proud of my taguls that I made

Simple Machines

In my class we were learning about simple machines we had to do the slideshow so that we could get a good understanding of what simple machines were.  My favorite part was when we got to create our own machine using the simple machines.
My Reflection:
It was easy to do the slideshow about the simple machines because I had already learned a few things about them already.
The most challenging thing was when you had to create your own machine using the simple machines.