On Sunday it was my sister Anamika's birthday. She turned 7.
First we had to go get a cake I thought we were going to get it from the cheese cake shop but actually we didn't instead we got it from countdown. We got a Chocolate cake with white chocolate on it. It also said Happy Birthday on it but it didn't have her name on it.
Next we went to the section where it had chips , biscuits , drinks and some other stuff. We got some chips which were really cheap they were only about like 4 packets of chips for only $5!!
After that we went to the 2 dollar shop and got some balloons but then SUDDENLY my dad said " we don't need any balloons."
Soon we came back to our house we called our cousin and told her to come to our house for Anamika's birthday. We also called our neighbors.
Later that day when my cousins came we played lots of games like tag , hide and seek , Doctors and mums and dads. We also had some music which we all danced to. Soon we were going all crazy.
After 1 or 2 hours of dancing when my dad came back from work. We cut the cake and everybody sang Happy Birthday. We had Dinner and watched a Indian movie called Hey baby. It is where three boys find a baby outside there door and they have to look after it. My favorite part is when one of the boy gets poo on his face.
Finally it was time for bedtime and my cousins had to go home but the problem was that they didn't have a car and my dad was too tired to drop someone off so they had a sleepover at our house which was really fun because then we could have more time to talk and spend some time together. In the morning my cousins woke up probably at 5 or 6 o'clock and my dad dropped them off.

I felt happy because my cousins got to have a sleepover at my house.